Wednesday, November 28, 2007

sundry distractions...

Hey Holly:

Thai food... mmm... you just had to say that, didn't you? Now I want to forego my blah ham sandwich that I brought and head out to the all you can eat Thai buffet up the street...

I can't say I'm sorry that you ended up going with the time-honoured tradition of the Hoser Hat. And I know what you mean about lame-o pickup attempts. The Friday-after-work venue of the Tenant Advocates of Toronto (high-falutin' name for a bunch of slobbily dressed lawyer bums who like a pint or five) is located too close to the business district and thus usually full of braying businessmen alternately slurping up free oysters and dropping pick up lines, sometimes at the same time. My table usually lays bets on when (not whether) a specific BB will utter a specific line. I usually lose because computerspeak causes me to nod off and fall face down into the pitcher of beer on the table.

Anyway, do go for the Shoot on Sight stitching!! Funnily enough, today I am wearing my safety orange Samus cardigan:

Our receptionists both shielded their eyes when I walked in this morning, and one of them has been putting on his shades every time I go out for a smoke (I hope he doesn't develop carpal tunnel syndrome, given the frequency of my outdoor high end legal consultations with other Tenant Advocates).

Come to think of it, I have some of that Super 3 left. However, I do not need any more Hoser Hats. Maybe I should make this type of hat instead?
Otherwise known as a Fargo Hat...?

How do you think it would look with cables?

Hmm... must get on that. If you come across any patterns in your travels, please advise!

Back to the grind. SIGH.



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