Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Detroit has a Skyline too...that over looks at Beautiful Windsor

Damn you clever Canadians, you got me, and all the good candy and high alcohol content beer, not to mention Tim Hortons. I hail from Michigan, which in fact makes me a Michigander.

What the hell is a true Windsorian, Windsanian, Windorigasorian? I need to know when I travel abroad to complete the story, oh, it's a lie.

It's the same way in Niagra. The US side has the crappy view of the falls, you have the scenic beauty, the good candy, the beer, and Tim Hortons. Dunkin Donuts is not an acceptable substitute.

I'm going to have to go test my theory out at other famed crossing points. Watch out Sault Ste. Marie, I'm going to test your border candy, beer and donuts. Good thing I have a passport.

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