Thursday, November 15, 2007

Payday and other adventures

Hey Holly:

I dig the indoor (sorry, inside) shoes!!! I should get some but I'd have to mark them L and R at the toe.

Not surprised to hear you went the charity knitting route. Perhaps you could knit one on my behalf as well?

Today being Payday - as you will recall, my own little bi-monthly holiday - I did get up to some trouble at Curry's and Loomis (art shoppes):
This represents only the Curry's portion of the stash. The Loomis & Toles portion is still at the office, including some holiday holepunchers.

And - what's it all in aid of? It's your fault, actually. I plan to make something like this:
altered book project
with a pinko leftie legal theme to boot. Why, oh why, did you ever tell me about Craft magazine?

(I didn't even make it to the LYS. I actually had to do some work today... so, another outing planned for tomorrow. Will be acquiring some fingering yarn for my latest nefarious plan - another tribute to the MDK book. Stay tuned...

Oh - and WhipUp are publishing another of my articles! This time on freeform... :-) And I got a letter to the editor published!

On a less positive note, I had to stop in at Loblaws on the way home from work - the obnoxious one where all the rich people go and where it is approximately 5 km from the front door to the part where they sell whatever I'm trying to "pop in" for. (They do, however, conveniniently have a Store of Liquors on site).

I went in for the following items only: a bagel, a ham steak and some DC. Resolutely I marched past the chip aisle, averting my gaze. I had almost made it to the cashier when all of a sudden at the end of an aisle was a 20 foot tower of these
Plus... Szechuan Chips!!!
Plus... General Tao Chicken Chips!!!! And all for only $1.49 a bag (special introductory price). I was so excited that I forgot my resolve and leapt into the air, grabbing one of each flavour from the top of the pile with my usual elfin grace. Damn that President. He foils me every time...

Then, just as I was congratulating myself on my forbearance in taking only one of each flavour, some wanker conducting a high-powered business transaction on his cell phone plowed his cart right into my knee. I was stunned, lost my balance and dropped JJs bottle of Ballantynes. SMASH.

The afroementioned wanker did not even stop talking on his phone! Until, that is, I grabbed it from out of his hand and closed it. This got his attention.

After a brief argument (read: me screaming at the top of my lungs and demanding reimbursement for the whisky, him mentioning that he was a lawyer, and me yelling that so was I and I'd be glad to haul his ass into Small Claims Court for the next five years, ensuring him loss of billable hours. He then begrudgingly pulled out $34.00 (the price of the whisky to the penny). I demanded $10 more.

"Why?" he asked.
"Because you've just dislocated my kneecap and now I have to take a cab home, you moron! That's why!"

People by this point were staring and tsk-ing. He must have been embarrassed because he handed me a $20 and scarpered to another checkout line.

I stopped at Ye Olde Smoke Shoppe on the way out and invested the $20.00 in 50 Dunhills and some chocolate poker chips for JJ. My mother didn't raise a fool!

Anyway, I'm home now and heating up some mac and cheese with Smokin Stampede Chips crushed over the top. Time to eat.



PS. Finally located my leather scraps ($10 for the whole bag) as well. They were underneath the microwave. Don't know why I didn't check there before!

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