Wednesday, December 19, 2007

haircut madness...


The hair is FABULOUS!!!

I love it. Almost as much as I love my new 'do. NO HATHEAD - so now I only look like a hoser when actually wearing a toque.

I have a new fancy toque that I knitted on the airplane but forgot my camera hookup at home - so pics will have to wait.

For my part, I'm going mad over here. Even the trip to the convenience store for smokes is fascinating to me. They actually have steak flavoured potato chips!! (which are called 'crisps' here...) plus all the smarties, cadburys, etc... and Doctor Who advent calendars!!!

Only problem - they charge £3 (approximately $6) for a six pack of diet coke. Can you believe that? The beer is about the same price as the diet coke. I could never live here, really - I'd be a roaring alcoholic. The diet coke even tastes different - much sweeter. Strange, eh?

(I find myself over here noticing just how much I say 'eh?'. I wouldn't have thought I really said it all that much - but it seems to be every second word these days. At least I don't have to wear a maple leaf... just open my mouth and they know where I'm from!!!)

Cheers - I just had to post when I saw the fab do!!! :-)


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