Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow Madness! This early in the Year?

The yarn in the middle is so pretty it makes me want to cry. That may be because my furnace is evil and spewing carbon monoxide and I will soon expire.

It's so lovely, but how can you think the about the sun or Tomatoes when I am sure you can't feel your fingers or toes? All I can knit is hats, toques, berets, or balakahatoquehoserberetstamscarves.

Is it really sunny there in lovely Toronto?

When I was in grade school they used to show us this movie about little kids living on a different planet that rained all the time. The kids had to be exposed to artificial sunlight (tanning lights! how high tech!) and like once every couple years the sun would come out for like 4 hours. There was only one girl that remembered real earth and the real sun, but they called her a liar and they locked her in a storage room when the sun really did come out.

I just thought "wow, those kids must just live in Michigan." Because they'd often show us that movie when it was too cold to go outside for recess.

Anyway, see, I'm whingeing too!

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