Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hitting the Shops

Glad you're feeling better now, Holly - but isn't it too early for holiday shopping? You must be a very highly organized individual. And the reward (UK candy) seems well worth it.

I actually did a bit of shopping last night. Look what I got!

I had originally gone in to look for this but they didn't have it:

Not available at any of their chains in Toronto (I'm talking about one of these mega bookstores). Boo. Hiss.

I also saw the new Debbie Stoller book you got - Son of a Stitch and Bitch" - but didn't buy it. In light of the recent disaster with JJ's vest, I'm only going to knit stuff for myself from this point forward.

Wanted also to show you my winter coat, which I think you'll appreciate:

Who can be depressed wearing this? Would you believe a friend of mine gave it to me because she had bought it, didn't like it and went and bought the identical coat in black instead? They wouldn't take back the pink coat, so one day she says, "I hope I'm not offending you, but do you want this second-hand coat?"

Offend away, my dear. Anytime. Please. (This is a down-filled coat, by the way.)

The scarf, I knit last year from a Fleece Artist kit. So perky!

And here's a link for you from one of our big humourists up here, Rick Mercer, on what wimps Torontonians are to you about the winter weather.

Have a good one - and don't be TOO organized!


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