Tuesday, December 4, 2007

hoser hats, yarn, more yarn and work.

Hi Holly:

love the hoser hat! The stick on curls are a nice idea. The way my hair turned out this morning, the hat should never fall off my head - the curls are all over the place.

Meanwhile, the coworkers are all saying "gee, I wish I had naturally curly hair like you". Grr.

I must confess that I did not make it out to the Shoe Company on Sunday. Was too demoralised by being splashed by an oncoming vehicle. I did, however, make it to the LYS:

Perfect fodder for a future Tomato, don't you think?

Am almost finished JJs cardigan. If all goes well I will finish the second front piece during the website meeting today.

On Friday am out of the office for an all-day seminar on the law of residential tenancies (sigh). Will be taking this:

to knit the scarf pattern which is attached.

I'm glad you have benefitted from my sharing my housekeeping tips. Just don't tell the Ogre who filled you in. He looks big and scary.

Watched "A Shrek Christmas" last evening, on the topic of ogres. Fairly comical.

Sent off the design idea package to Interweave Knits this morning. Please wish me luck (yeah right, like they're going to publish my design in IK - although they may well publish my chickenscratch sketches for their "How Not To Submit Designs" tutorial). I must announce, however, that Santa Postie was on duty today at the local substation. SIGH. I asked for tracking AND registering and surrendered my precious package to his nicotine-stained hands.

Had best sign off and get some work done. I'm on intake today, which means I just sit here doing work and hoping that the telephone doesn't ring with some wonky social assistance overpayment recalculation question, the answer to which I should know off the top of my head, but of course don't. The colleague I go whimpering and whinging to when this happens is on vacation this week. How very inconvenient of him to take vacation. I should write a strong letter to the all-staff Email list, really.

Cheers and stay warm (the sun is shining up here this morning. That's something, I guess, but it's still %&#*@$(@#*$&(@# snowing. And tonight is Laundry Night in Canada...).


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