Saturday, December 15, 2007

Shoe Drool

Dear Kristina, you shoe tease you!

With my first grown up pay check from the same evil Pharmaceutical Company that the Ogre still works for, I bought a pair of 'Vogs. I had to travel out of my cornfield and all the way to Detroit to get my shoes.

Soon after the Ogre and I shacked up, we got a dog. Said dog promptly ate my shoes.

I've missed those shoes ever since.

Not whining, just lamenting. There is a difference. Subtle, but still.

I love shoes. But during the "knocked up" years, I mostly wore Birkenstocks. It's just a step above barefoot, but hey, it's cold in Michigan, plus, I was able to show off my hand knits. Yes, I was wearing hats on my feet.

Ah, spoke with a lady in World Market about the true awesomeness of Tim Horton's today. Just thought you should know.


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