Sunday, December 16, 2007

I do hate living in Canada sometimes...

... like right now... check out the travel advisory from Air Canada:

Flights to/from Toronto, Montréal, Québec, Ottawa and Halifax

MONTRÉAL, December 16, 2007 - Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz advise that winter storm conditions are expected to cause delays and cancellations to flights on Sunday December 16 and Monday December 17.

Customers are advised to check on the status of their flight prior to leaving for the airport by consulting the Air Canada website at, or by calling Air Canada's automated flight information system at 1-888-422-7533, or by using a web-enhanced cell phone.

Of course, I do not own such a thing as a web-enhanced cell phone. My only cell phone ever resembled a small shoe and was lost in a cab sometime this past summer (not that I was drunk out of my skull or anything)...

I should be in bed as the alarm is set for 5:00 a.m. - but too wired on nicotine and diet coke to sleep. JUST signed off on my work project and left a rather incoherent "out of office" message on the office voicemail which I had neglected to do on Friday in my haste to meet up with the Tenant Advocates. I imagine no one will actually understand what the voicemail says, and that I'll be facing about 20 complaints to the Law Society for "failure to return communications promptly" about three weeks from now. Oh well.

On the upside, I did manage to cut and dye my hair, so it's gone from this: this:

In exchange for fooling around with hair dye, I will be washing a sink full of dishes at approximately 5:05 a.m.... man, less than 5 hours from now! Away to bed, I think.

Best wishes to you, Pigs and Ogre... and hope that you're not as badly snowed in as I might soon be. Bloody Canadian cold fronts - or is it a Murcan one this time?!?



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