Friday, December 21, 2007

We are the Crafty International Bad Ass Duo!

Dear Kristina, or Canadian A Broad, or A Canadian Yarnie in Europe,

Ok, so you are a bit more International Woman of Intrigue than I am, but well, I am holding my own on the Bad Ass part. Ok, I am at least sassy.

I won't post photos since you are photo upload challenged right now. Ok, I am just freakishly lazy. But I am making mad progress on my Garden Gate Scarf and will soon be adding loud orange and fuchsia flowers to the blue and green gate back ground. It's so kicky.

Now, to torture the scarf pattern into hat form...I have just enough of a chunk of hair left for a side spit curl. Bless this 9 months of Winter Weather! Bring on the next Ice Age! I love hats!

Cheers to Cheap good beer!!!

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