Dear Kristina, or Canadian A Broad, or A Canadian Yarnie in Europe,
Ok, so you are a bit more International Woman of Intrigue than I am, but well, I am holding my own on the Bad Ass part. Ok, I am at least sassy.
I won't post photos since you are photo upload challenged right now. Ok, I am just freakishly lazy. But I am making mad progress on my Garden Gate Scarf and will soon be adding loud orange and fuchsia flowers to the blue and green gate back ground. It's so kicky.
Now, to torture the scarf pattern into hat form...I have just enough of a chunk of hair left for a side spit curl. Bless this 9 months of Winter Weather! Bring on the next Ice Age! I love hats!
Cheers to Cheap good beer!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
haircut madness...
The hair is FABULOUS!!!
I love it. Almost as much as I love my new 'do. NO HATHEAD - so now I only look like a hoser when actually wearing a toque.
I have a new fancy toque that I knitted on the airplane but forgot my camera hookup at home - so pics will have to wait.
For my part, I'm going mad over here. Even the trip to the convenience store for smokes is fascinating to me. They actually have steak flavoured potato chips!! (which are called 'crisps' here...) plus all the smarties, cadburys, etc... and Doctor Who advent calendars!!!
Only problem - they charge £3 (approximately $6) for a six pack of diet coke. Can you believe that? The beer is about the same price as the diet coke. I could never live here, really - I'd be a roaring alcoholic. The diet coke even tastes different - much sweeter. Strange, eh?
(I find myself over here noticing just how much I say 'eh?'. I wouldn't have thought I really said it all that much - but it seems to be every second word these days. At least I don't have to wear a maple leaf... just open my mouth and they know where I'm from!!!)
Cheers - I just had to post when I saw the fab do!!! :-)
The hair is FABULOUS!!!
I love it. Almost as much as I love my new 'do. NO HATHEAD - so now I only look like a hoser when actually wearing a toque.
I have a new fancy toque that I knitted on the airplane but forgot my camera hookup at home - so pics will have to wait.
For my part, I'm going mad over here. Even the trip to the convenience store for smokes is fascinating to me. They actually have steak flavoured potato chips!! (which are called 'crisps' here...) plus all the smarties, cadburys, etc... and Doctor Who advent calendars!!!
Only problem - they charge £3 (approximately $6) for a six pack of diet coke. Can you believe that? The beer is about the same price as the diet coke. I could never live here, really - I'd be a roaring alcoholic. The diet coke even tastes different - much sweeter. Strange, eh?
(I find myself over here noticing just how much I say 'eh?'. I wouldn't have thought I really said it all that much - but it seems to be every second word these days. At least I don't have to wear a maple leaf... just open my mouth and they know where I'm from!!!)
Cheers - I just had to post when I saw the fab do!!! :-)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Love the Sweater, Love the Hair!
Dear Kristina!
First, I would like to congratulate you growing your hair out for such a long time.
Second, I would like to say YOUR HAIR CUT ROCKS!!!
I was all rocking out excited to see all the awesome that was happening over in Canada. Well, except for the evil that is snow. We have that evil here too.
I had a holiday hair cut too! Posh Spice will be calling us for hair ideas any day now...

I hope you have a super awesome time on your holiday! Safe and happy to you!!!
(I'm so festive this time of year!)
First, I would like to congratulate you growing your hair out for such a long time.
Second, I would like to say YOUR HAIR CUT ROCKS!!!
I was all rocking out excited to see all the awesome that was happening over in Canada. Well, except for the evil that is snow. We have that evil here too.
I had a holiday hair cut too! Posh Spice will be calling us for hair ideas any day now...

I hope you have a super awesome time on your holiday! Safe and happy to you!!!

(I'm so festive this time of year!)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I do hate living in Canada sometimes...
... like right now... check out the travel advisory from Air Canada:
Of course, I do not own such a thing as a web-enhanced cell phone. My only cell phone ever resembled a small shoe and was lost in a cab sometime this past summer (not that I was drunk out of my skull or anything)...
I should be in bed as the alarm is set for 5:00 a.m. - but too wired on nicotine and diet coke to sleep. JUST signed off on my work project and left a rather incoherent "out of office" message on the office voicemail which I had neglected to do on Friday in my haste to meet up with the Tenant Advocates. I imagine no one will actually understand what the voicemail says, and that I'll be facing about 20 complaints to the Law Society for "failure to return communications promptly" about three weeks from now. Oh well.
On the upside, I did manage to cut and dye my hair, so it's gone from this: this:

In exchange for fooling around with hair dye, I will be washing a sink full of dishes at approximately 5:05 a.m.... man, less than 5 hours from now! Away to bed, I think.
Best wishes to you, Pigs and Ogre... and hope that you're not as badly snowed in as I might soon be. Bloody Canadian cold fronts - or is it a Murcan one this time?!?
Flights to/from Toronto, Montréal, Québec, Ottawa and Halifax
MONTRÉAL, December 16, 2007 - Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz advise that winter storm conditions are expected to cause delays and cancellations to flights on Sunday December 16 and Monday December 17.
Customers are advised to check on the status of their flight prior to leaving for the airport by consulting the Air Canada website at, or by calling Air Canada's automated flight information system at 1-888-422-7533, or by using a web-enhanced cell phone.
Of course, I do not own such a thing as a web-enhanced cell phone. My only cell phone ever resembled a small shoe and was lost in a cab sometime this past summer (not that I was drunk out of my skull or anything)...
I should be in bed as the alarm is set for 5:00 a.m. - but too wired on nicotine and diet coke to sleep. JUST signed off on my work project and left a rather incoherent "out of office" message on the office voicemail which I had neglected to do on Friday in my haste to meet up with the Tenant Advocates. I imagine no one will actually understand what the voicemail says, and that I'll be facing about 20 complaints to the Law Society for "failure to return communications promptly" about three weeks from now. Oh well.
On the upside, I did manage to cut and dye my hair, so it's gone from this: this:

In exchange for fooling around with hair dye, I will be washing a sink full of dishes at approximately 5:05 a.m.... man, less than 5 hours from now! Away to bed, I think.
Best wishes to you, Pigs and Ogre... and hope that you're not as badly snowed in as I might soon be. Bloody Canadian cold fronts - or is it a Murcan one this time?!?
you madwoman you!
Dear Holly: that is madness indeed! Wish you weren't snowed in, otherwise you could come up here and rearrange my furniture. I would provide cocktails and hoser hats, of course.
I am as well snowed in... mainly because I'm not willing to trudge through 6 inches of snow. JJ has the car. This is all good, though, because I finished my Tilted Duster!!

Of course, I had said to myself this morning: "No knitting until you finish that last bit of office work and do all the laundry". Well, guess what? The knitting is finished and posted, and the laundry just got taken downstairs. As for the office work - I think I'll be burning the midnight oil. Sigh.
Just hoping this will clear up by tomorrow as we are meant to fly out at 9:00 a.m.! Gasp! Wish me luck! They are not as yet predicting that flights will be cancelled... will be posting one last blog post tomorrow AM before I go with fancy umbrellas and stuff so do drop on by... I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to post very much while gone - so if we don't talk, have a fabulous Christmas, hope that Santa is very generous and see you next year!
I am as well snowed in... mainly because I'm not willing to trudge through 6 inches of snow. JJ has the car. This is all good, though, because I finished my Tilted Duster!!

Of course, I had said to myself this morning: "No knitting until you finish that last bit of office work and do all the laundry". Well, guess what? The knitting is finished and posted, and the laundry just got taken downstairs. As for the office work - I think I'll be burning the midnight oil. Sigh.
Just hoping this will clear up by tomorrow as we are meant to fly out at 9:00 a.m.! Gasp! Wish me luck! They are not as yet predicting that flights will be cancelled... will be posting one last blog post tomorrow AM before I go with fancy umbrellas and stuff so do drop on by... I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to post very much while gone - so if we don't talk, have a fabulous Christmas, hope that Santa is very generous and see you next year!
Snow Madness!
Dear Kristina!
I hope that you aren't snowbound! I am personally snowbound because my car is tiny and not test rated for more than 2" of snow. I think that's 4 cm. Anyway, the Ogre took the gas guzzling Ogre-mobile, ran down 2 confused zombies and bought rum, peppermint schnapps, 4 lbs of butter, 3 lbs of powdered sugar and came home full of Holiday Cheer. We love a good blizzard.
What did I do while he was out? I went into the swirling vortex of doom...

I really needed a drink...

Instead, I donned my hoser hat, and gathered up my treasure from trash and rearranged all the furniture in the house. It's snow madness I tell you! Snow Madness!!!
snow is evil,
snow madness
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I feel your pain about the loss of those awesome Vogs! (I thought dogs only ate homework, though? I've never had a dog so please pardon my ignorance...)
Are you getting the same crap weather that we are up here? The snow storm, however, did not stop me from getting to the LYS.
Today, I'm pimping for Noro (Silk Garden) and Fleece Artist (Rumplestilskin).

Never let it be said that I am not a diverse person! I discriminate against no fine yarn...
Heading out the door to go to the 7th circle of hell... er, the Forest Hill Loblaws. Will take my camera and see how many photos of flashing blue ear phones I can snap off before they kick me out of there. I hate the thought of Loblaws on a Saturday evening but desperately need some stuff and am afraid of getting snowed in tomorrow. Please wish me luck.
I feel your pain about the loss of those awesome Vogs! (I thought dogs only ate homework, though? I've never had a dog so please pardon my ignorance...)
Are you getting the same crap weather that we are up here? The snow storm, however, did not stop me from getting to the LYS.
Today, I'm pimping for Noro (Silk Garden) and Fleece Artist (Rumplestilskin).

Never let it be said that I am not a diverse person! I discriminate against no fine yarn...
Heading out the door to go to the 7th circle of hell... er, the Forest Hill Loblaws. Will take my camera and see how many photos of flashing blue ear phones I can snap off before they kick me out of there. I hate the thought of Loblaws on a Saturday evening but desperately need some stuff and am afraid of getting snowed in tomorrow. Please wish me luck.
Shoe Drool
Dear Kristina, you shoe tease you!
With my first grown up pay check from the same evil Pharmaceutical Company that the Ogre still works for, I bought a pair of 'Vogs. I had to travel out of my cornfield and all the way to Detroit to get my shoes.

Soon after the Ogre and I shacked up, we got a dog. Said dog promptly ate my shoes.
I've missed those shoes ever since.
Not whining, just lamenting. There is a difference. Subtle, but still.
I love shoes. But during the "knocked up" years, I mostly wore Birkenstocks. It's just a step above barefoot, but hey, it's cold in Michigan, plus, I was able to show off my hand knits. Yes, I was wearing hats on my feet.
Ah, spoke with a lady in World Market about the true awesomeness of Tim Horton's today. Just thought you should know.
With my first grown up pay check from the same evil Pharmaceutical Company that the Ogre still works for, I bought a pair of 'Vogs. I had to travel out of my cornfield and all the way to Detroit to get my shoes.

Soon after the Ogre and I shacked up, we got a dog. Said dog promptly ate my shoes.
I've missed those shoes ever since.
Not whining, just lamenting. There is a difference. Subtle, but still.
I love shoes. But during the "knocked up" years, I mostly wore Birkenstocks. It's just a step above barefoot, but hey, it's cold in Michigan, plus, I was able to show off my hand knits. Yes, I was wearing hats on my feet.
Ah, spoke with a lady in World Market about the true awesomeness of Tim Horton's today. Just thought you should know.
Dear Holly:
I'm glad to see from your comment on my blog that you have actually never been to a Fluevog store. Not glad for you... that came out wrong. What I mean is that perhaps you will actually get to Toronto one of these days!
This is one of the Fluevogs I own:

... and this is the other pair...
Rather pedestrian, I know, as 'Vogs go. However, I had to get comfortable shoes for working at the Eviction Factory once upon a time and couldn't go all that funky (being, you know, a vaunted Barrister and Solicitor).
Have you ever checked out the Flueseum on line? Get a load of these beauties:
The Buffy Flame Boot... and...
The Tastyvog Cindy!
Great for marching off to The Beer Store, the LCBO and the candy shop, I'm sure!
And - are these art pieces? Hmm - maybe I can justify the turqouise ones after all! Will have to hit the shop right after I return from holiday and hope that there are still some sale items left in my size. Unfortunately, I wear a size 8 which is very common. I have a friend who bemoans her size 10 feet but who has the best Fluevog collection I've ever seen live. I hate her.
Does this post make me a "Fluepimp", d'ya think?
So, yes - do convince the Ogre to move to Trana. heh heh
I'm glad to see from your comment on my blog that you have actually never been to a Fluevog store. Not glad for you... that came out wrong. What I mean is that perhaps you will actually get to Toronto one of these days!
This is one of the Fluevogs I own:

... and this is the other pair...

Have you ever checked out the Flueseum on line? Get a load of these beauties:

Great for marching off to The Beer Store, the LCBO and the candy shop, I'm sure!
And - are these art pieces? Hmm - maybe I can justify the turqouise ones after all! Will have to hit the shop right after I return from holiday and hope that there are still some sale items left in my size. Unfortunately, I wear a size 8 which is very common. I have a friend who bemoans her size 10 feet but who has the best Fluevog collection I've ever seen live. I hate her.
Does this post make me a "Fluepimp", d'ya think?
So, yes - do convince the Ogre to move to Trana. heh heh
Friday, December 14, 2007
Candian Beer Yarn Discount
A book carrying Canadian, eh? Very proud!
I think you should forgo the LYS for your Handmaiden yarn and just buy direct. You need some sort of wholesale discount. Actually a Hosale discount.
No, better yet, you need a Pimp Discount. You get samples from Handmaiden, knit chat it up all over the internet and then sales for that color go way up. As those Guinness Guys would say..."BRILLIANT!"
I think you should forgo the LYS for your Handmaiden yarn and just buy direct. You need some sort of wholesale discount. Actually a Hosale discount.
No, better yet, you need a Pimp Discount. You get samples from Handmaiden, knit chat it up all over the internet and then sales for that color go way up. As those Guinness Guys would say..."BRILLIANT!"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Look out America...
Dear Holly:
Well, it's official - I am now a book-carrying Canajan!!
And it only took two months! And they didn't even call my references!!
I'm really surprised at that, anyway, given the photo I sent to them:
Remember this? I look as though I had been drinking for a week and hadn't slept. (It was only midnight knitting. Really...).
So, any day now, you might find me pounding on the door of the secret Zombie Prom meetings to be let in:
Hey - you haven't sent me the secret knock yet!!!
If you don't watch it, I may just have to come down and kick your @$$ instead!
See how tough I look with my reconstructed cardigan?!?
Well, I'd better stop procrastinating and get back to work - 2 1/2 business days left to close about a million files, do my dockets, and finish revising a textbook chapter...
Oh, I forgot about that.
Or - well, it's almost 10:30, which means I could always just walk over to Spadina and hop the tram to Lettuce Knit, where I will be seeking Handmaiden Flaxen desperately... it opens at 11:00 a.m.
And then it will be about time for lunch... !!!
Ciao for now,
Well, it's official - I am now a book-carrying Canajan!!

I'm really surprised at that, anyway, given the photo I sent to them:

So, any day now, you might find me pounding on the door of the secret Zombie Prom meetings to be let in:

If you don't watch it, I may just have to come down and kick your @$$ instead!

Well, I'd better stop procrastinating and get back to work - 2 1/2 business days left to close about a million files, do my dockets, and finish revising a textbook chapter...

Or - well, it's almost 10:30, which means I could always just walk over to Spadina and hop the tram to Lettuce Knit, where I will be seeking Handmaiden Flaxen desperately... it opens at 11:00 a.m.
And then it will be about time for lunch... !!!
Ciao for now,
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
...dang, can't spell the rest!!
I am gnawing my arm off in jealousy at your tales of debauchery and fun in barely heated houses. I WILL be down for a future such event, you can count on it!
Still awaiting my membership card to the Zombie Prom Knitters though, Holly. I may need to show it at the border if they give me any problems! I know they'll just wave me on through with that magical piece of ID.
Went for a staff holiday lunch today. Fun was had by all, and everyone was in awe of my new finery:

They will not allow me to publish any of the 57 other pictures I took though. I think they're just peeved that I elected to take candid shots of people talking with their mouth full. Spoilsports!!
Glad to hear you have fun - you deserve it (but so do I... sob... come to Toronto sometime! I'll turn off the heat, or we could camp in the underground parking garage if we wanted to rough it).
I am gnawing my arm off in jealousy at your tales of debauchery and fun in barely heated houses. I WILL be down for a future such event, you can count on it!
Still awaiting my membership card to the Zombie Prom Knitters though, Holly. I may need to show it at the border if they give me any problems! I know they'll just wave me on through with that magical piece of ID.
Went for a staff holiday lunch today. Fun was had by all, and everyone was in awe of my new finery:

They will not allow me to publish any of the 57 other pictures I took though. I think they're just peeved that I elected to take candid shots of people talking with their mouth full. Spoilsports!!
Glad to hear you have fun - you deserve it (but so do I... sob... come to Toronto sometime! I'll turn off the heat, or we could camp in the underground parking garage if we wanted to rough it).
You are Fancy, but Are you Awesome? Awwh, Yeah!
You are super fancy. But are you super silly? Yeah, you would have fit right in with super silly. We hung out in a 140 year old house that was heated only by space heaters, mexican food, and craftiness. I was also warmed by my own bad fashion.
Oh, I also stayed warm by knitting the base for a Carmen Miranda scarf. I have no photographic evidence because my friends have deemed my camera evil and limited my use of it.
How can I take revenge?

I know! I'll stuff them in the coal stove!

Good times.

Spinning dog into gold.

Did I mention the bootlegged soda from Mexico, the chocolate from Europe, the coffee from Guatemala and the yarn from well, all over? All we needed was a knitter/mosaicer from Canada. Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Chilly, but sweet. Sweet as in rad. Like radical, like, awesome. Yeah, it was awesome.
Oh, I also stayed warm by knitting the base for a Carmen Miranda scarf. I have no photographic evidence because my friends have deemed my camera evil and limited my use of it.
How can I take revenge?

I know! I'll stuff them in the coal stove!

Good times.

Spinning dog into gold.

Did I mention the bootlegged soda from Mexico, the chocolate from Europe, the coffee from Guatemala and the yarn from well, all over? All we needed was a knitter/mosaicer from Canada. Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Chilly, but sweet. Sweet as in rad. Like radical, like, awesome. Yeah, it was awesome.
humbuggery and pretty things
Hey Holly: hope all is well on your side of the border. My week is going passably, aside from the mountain of work I must plough through before going on vacation next week (which is why, of course, I'm on here blogging for the first time in days).
The weather is dragging me down. Today, grey grey grey and freezing rain.
So - I'm wearing this with a t-shirt underneath, just so's I can freeze while waiting at the bus stop!!!
Remember this>
Well, I finally had to face up to the fact that short squat greeks were not intended to wear 80" long scarves - the scarf just looked like an ornate whiplash brace on me. So, it has now morphed into this:
Not bad, eh?
The mystery of the custard-filled timbits is as yet unsolved. I stopped at the one handy to work this morning and they had no clue what I was talking about. SIGH.
So, I had to console myself by stroking this:

A Moebius capelet, made with Fleece Artist Grande Godiva. Unfortunately, I look ridiculous as well - so it will be going to my mother with her Christmas package.
Is the Zombie Roadshow ever going to cross the border? I'd settle for meeting up in Windsor at some point, although I really do think you should come to Toronto for a LYS crawl. Start saving your pennies!
The weather is dragging me down. Today, grey grey grey and freezing rain.
So - I'm wearing this with a t-shirt underneath, just so's I can freeze while waiting at the bus stop!!!

The mystery of the custard-filled timbits is as yet unsolved. I stopped at the one handy to work this morning and they had no clue what I was talking about. SIGH.
So, I had to console myself by stroking this:

A Moebius capelet, made with Fleece Artist Grande Godiva. Unfortunately, I look ridiculous as well - so it will be going to my mother with her Christmas package.
Is the Zombie Roadshow ever going to cross the border? I'd settle for meeting up in Windsor at some point, although I really do think you should come to Toronto for a LYS crawl. Start saving your pennies!
crap weather,
fleece artist,
grande gooiva,
sea silk
Friday, December 7, 2007
winter wonderland and TGIF
Hi Holly:
If I ever get tired of the fabulous pink jacket, it's yours. But don't hold your breath.
You are ultra-cool for wearing green army jackets. I'm too wimpy to do so - plus green makes me look nauseated, really.
My news: it's a bit warmer outside. Which is a good thing. Also, yesterday I took this to the landlord/tenant continuing legal education session:

I'm quite embarrassed to report that 4 hours or so of knitting (and 3 1/2 hours or so of frogging) yielded only this:

Morals of the story:
(a) always carry stitch markers; and
(b) read and memorize that part in the lace books about "lifelines".
Also, perhaps
(c) do not try to knit lace while snorting coffee (AM) or diet coke (PM) from nose at preposterous statements made by landlord lawyers about "professional tenants". (I thought "professional" meant "earning money", not "shelling out $1000/month plus to landlord... or not, as the case may be.")
I would really very much like to see an online tutorial about the art of i-cord and swizzle sticks and crotch ties and piss artists! I bet The Anticraft would snatch that one up...
Looking forward to 5:00 p.m., when all the lady poverty law advocates, tired from a long day of slaying landlords, employers, mindless bureaucrats, etc and drinking their blood, repair to a local establishment to drink beer and wine and then to the Indian buffet for a victory feast (or a bitch session, depending upon the mood).
Wishing you a marvellous weekend - think of me operating a steam shovel in my apartment to remove all the debris and fighting my way through the hordes at the Yorkdale Mall. SIGH.
If I ever get tired of the fabulous pink jacket, it's yours. But don't hold your breath.
You are ultra-cool for wearing green army jackets. I'm too wimpy to do so - plus green makes me look nauseated, really.
My news: it's a bit warmer outside. Which is a good thing. Also, yesterday I took this to the landlord/tenant continuing legal education session:

I'm quite embarrassed to report that 4 hours or so of knitting (and 3 1/2 hours or so of frogging) yielded only this:

Morals of the story:
(a) always carry stitch markers; and
(b) read and memorize that part in the lace books about "lifelines".
Also, perhaps
(c) do not try to knit lace while snorting coffee (AM) or diet coke (PM) from nose at preposterous statements made by landlord lawyers about "professional tenants". (I thought "professional" meant "earning money", not "shelling out $1000/month plus to landlord... or not, as the case may be.")
I would really very much like to see an online tutorial about the art of i-cord and swizzle sticks and crotch ties and piss artists! I bet The Anticraft would snatch that one up...
Looking forward to 5:00 p.m., when all the lady poverty law advocates, tired from a long day of slaying landlords, employers, mindless bureaucrats, etc and drinking their blood, repair to a local establishment to drink beer and wine and then to the Indian buffet for a victory feast (or a bitch session, depending upon the mood).
Wishing you a marvellous weekend - think of me operating a steam shovel in my apartment to remove all the debris and fighting my way through the hordes at the Yorkdale Mall. SIGH.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Love it All!
I have had an Army Green Jacket for the last, eh, counting on my fingers, twenty years. Ouch. That's me with 3 different green jackets, and one was actually an army jackey.
But I love your sassy pink one! Send thanks to your friend from me! Down even. Lovely.

Here's my latest hoser hat! I think this would match your scarf nicely.
Ah, at that lab yesterday, I helped a friend work out how to do an i-cord while the rest of the lab folks did an interview. We used what was basically two coffee swizzle sticks and the crotch tie from a pair of football pants from someone's left over Halloween costume.
This was all done by the urine pass through door. You know, you leave your pee sample in the metal door and a mysterious stranger takes your piss and revolves the little door back? Yeah.
But I love your sassy pink one! Send thanks to your friend from me! Down even. Lovely.

Here's my latest hoser hat! I think this would match your scarf nicely.
Ah, at that lab yesterday, I helped a friend work out how to do an i-cord while the rest of the lab folks did an interview. We used what was basically two coffee swizzle sticks and the crotch tie from a pair of football pants from someone's left over Halloween costume.
This was all done by the urine pass through door. You know, you leave your pee sample in the metal door and a mysterious stranger takes your piss and revolves the little door back? Yeah.
good news!
Dear Holly:
despite the atrocious weather, my mood has improved immensely. Here's why:
(a) I found the Anticraft book at a local independent bookstore, together with this book:

Have only had time to take a quick flip through it thus far... but it looks very promising. They even have instructions on how to make a computer keyboard out of an old typewriter. Of course, I know that you're not old enough to remember typewriters, being only 29 and all...
(b) the Apple Store replaced my iPod. It was still under warranty. Go figure.
(c) taking sea silk with me to boring legal conference which lasts all day today. Figure I can make a good headstart on the Storm Water scarf...
So, that's my news. What's up in your sphere of the dimension?
despite the atrocious weather, my mood has improved immensely. Here's why:
(a) I found the Anticraft book at a local independent bookstore, together with this book:

Have only had time to take a quick flip through it thus far... but it looks very promising. They even have instructions on how to make a computer keyboard out of an old typewriter. Of course, I know that you're not old enough to remember typewriters, being only 29 and all...
(b) the Apple Store replaced my iPod. It was still under warranty. Go figure.
(c) taking sea silk with me to boring legal conference which lasts all day today. Figure I can make a good headstart on the Storm Water scarf...
So, that's my news. What's up in your sphere of the dimension?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hitting the Shops
Glad you're feeling better now, Holly - but isn't it too early for holiday shopping? You must be a very highly organized individual. And the reward (UK candy) seems well worth it.
I actually did a bit of shopping last night. Look what I got!

I had originally gone in to look for this but they didn't have it:

Not available at any of their chains in Toronto (I'm talking about one of these mega bookstores). Boo. Hiss.
I also saw the new Debbie Stoller book you got - Son of a Stitch and Bitch" - but didn't buy it. In light of the recent disaster with JJ's vest, I'm only going to knit stuff for myself from this point forward.
Wanted also to show you my winter coat, which I think you'll appreciate:
Who can be depressed wearing this? Would you believe a friend of mine gave it to me because she had bought it, didn't like it and went and bought the identical coat in black instead? They wouldn't take back the pink coat, so one day she says, "I hope I'm not offending you, but do you want this second-hand coat?"
Offend away, my dear. Anytime. Please. (This is a down-filled coat, by the way.)
The scarf, I knit last year from a Fleece Artist kit. So perky!
And here's a link for you from one of our big humourists up here, Rick Mercer, on what wimps Torontonians are to you about the winter weather.
Have a good one - and don't be TOO organized!
I actually did a bit of shopping last night. Look what I got!

I had originally gone in to look for this but they didn't have it:

Not available at any of their chains in Toronto (I'm talking about one of these mega bookstores). Boo. Hiss.
I also saw the new Debbie Stoller book you got - Son of a Stitch and Bitch" - but didn't buy it. In light of the recent disaster with JJ's vest, I'm only going to knit stuff for myself from this point forward.
Wanted also to show you my winter coat, which I think you'll appreciate:

Who can be depressed wearing this? Would you believe a friend of mine gave it to me because she had bought it, didn't like it and went and bought the identical coat in black instead? They wouldn't take back the pink coat, so one day she says, "I hope I'm not offending you, but do you want this second-hand coat?"
Offend away, my dear. Anytime. Please. (This is a down-filled coat, by the way.)
The scarf, I knit last year from a Fleece Artist kit. So perky!
And here's a link for you from one of our big humourists up here, Rick Mercer, on what wimps Torontonians are to you about the winter weather.
Have a good one - and don't be TOO organized!
crazy aunt purl,
happy coat,
the anticraft,
winter crud
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
All Better Now...
Oh, I feel better now.
I went holiday shopping with the Ogre. Instead of a boring warm jacket, I wore my hand knit puke green cardi, a purple multi hat and blue mittens. We then bought a bunch of U.K candy...oooh and some Pocky.
I went holiday shopping with the Ogre. Instead of a boring warm jacket, I wore my hand knit puke green cardi, a purple multi hat and blue mittens. We then bought a bunch of U.K candy...oooh and some Pocky.
December blahs
Holly: very sorry to hear about your furnace. Stay safe!
It is a coping mechanism of mine to think of summer and warm-weather things when I can't otherwise feel my fingers or toes (which definetely happened when I was awaiting my bus home last night for 20 minutes!) - hence, purchase of the lovely cotton.
Please don't cry - before you know it, it will be summer again!
That story they used to show you at school sounds as though it would have been quite traumatic to watch. What was the point of it?? Sounds like some of these old "mental hygiene" movies as they were called - films made for guidance class in the 50s and 60s. If you ever see an ad for the "Mental Hygiene Film Festival" in your neck of the words, check it out. There was one guy who made about 100 of these doom and gloom movies about child safety, starring his own son who usually met some horrible end or other. E.g. Johnny and friends playing with gas and a zippo lighter...but I shouldn't really find this funny, I guess - and you have kids!
Reading your post, I feel like bursting into song:

The sun will come out tomorrow...
so you'd better hang on till tomorrow, come what may...
And, if I had as much $$$ as this guy:
...I'd buy you some lovely pretty handmaiden dandelion yarn to banish them ol' winter blues.
The sun is out here today, yes. It makes a big difference. But it's still damn cold.
It is a coping mechanism of mine to think of summer and warm-weather things when I can't otherwise feel my fingers or toes (which definetely happened when I was awaiting my bus home last night for 20 minutes!) - hence, purchase of the lovely cotton.
Please don't cry - before you know it, it will be summer again!
That story they used to show you at school sounds as though it would have been quite traumatic to watch. What was the point of it?? Sounds like some of these old "mental hygiene" movies as they were called - films made for guidance class in the 50s and 60s. If you ever see an ad for the "Mental Hygiene Film Festival" in your neck of the words, check it out. There was one guy who made about 100 of these doom and gloom movies about child safety, starring his own son who usually met some horrible end or other. E.g. Johnny and friends playing with gas and a zippo lighter...but I shouldn't really find this funny, I guess - and you have kids!
Reading your post, I feel like bursting into song:

The sun will come out tomorrow...
so you'd better hang on till tomorrow, come what may...
And, if I had as much $$$ as this guy:

...I'd buy you some lovely pretty handmaiden dandelion yarn to banish them ol' winter blues.
The sun is out here today, yes. It makes a big difference. But it's still damn cold.
Snow Madness! This early in the Year?

The yarn in the middle is so pretty it makes me want to cry. That may be because my furnace is evil and spewing carbon monoxide and I will soon expire.
It's so lovely, but how can you think the about the sun or Tomatoes when I am sure you can't feel your fingers or toes? All I can knit is hats, toques, berets, or balakahatoquehoserberetstamscarves.
Is it really sunny there in lovely Toronto?
When I was in grade school they used to show us this movie about little kids living on a different planet that rained all the time. The kids had to be exposed to artificial sunlight (tanning lights! how high tech!) and like once every couple years the sun would come out for like 4 hours. There was only one girl that remembered real earth and the real sun, but they called her a liar and they locked her in a storage room when the sun really did come out.
I just thought "wow, those kids must just live in Michigan." Because they'd often show us that movie when it was too cold to go outside for recess.
Anyway, see, I'm whingeing too!
hoser hats, yarn, more yarn and work.
Hi Holly:
love the hoser hat! The stick on curls are a nice idea. The way my hair turned out this morning, the hat should never fall off my head - the curls are all over the place.
Meanwhile, the coworkers are all saying "gee, I wish I had naturally curly hair like you". Grr.
I must confess that I did not make it out to the Shoe Company on Sunday. Was too demoralised by being splashed by an oncoming vehicle. I did, however, make it to the LYS:

Perfect fodder for a future Tomato, don't you think?
Am almost finished JJs cardigan. If all goes well I will finish the second front piece during the website meeting today.
On Friday am out of the office for an all-day seminar on the law of residential tenancies (sigh). Will be taking this:
to knit the scarf pattern which is attached.
I'm glad you have benefitted from my sharing my housekeeping tips. Just don't tell the Ogre who filled you in. He looks big and scary.
Watched "A Shrek Christmas" last evening, on the topic of ogres. Fairly comical.
Sent off the design idea package to Interweave Knits this morning. Please wish me luck (yeah right, like they're going to publish my design in IK - although they may well publish my chickenscratch sketches for their "How Not To Submit Designs" tutorial). I must announce, however, that Santa Postie was on duty today at the local substation. SIGH. I asked for tracking AND registering and surrendered my precious package to his nicotine-stained hands.
Had best sign off and get some work done. I'm on intake today, which means I just sit here doing work and hoping that the telephone doesn't ring with some wonky social assistance overpayment recalculation question, the answer to which I should know off the top of my head, but of course don't. The colleague I go whimpering and whinging to when this happens is on vacation this week. How very inconvenient of him to take vacation. I should write a strong letter to the all-staff Email list, really.
Cheers and stay warm (the sun is shining up here this morning. That's something, I guess, but it's still %&#*@$(@#*$&(@# snowing. And tonight is Laundry Night in Canada...).
love the hoser hat! The stick on curls are a nice idea. The way my hair turned out this morning, the hat should never fall off my head - the curls are all over the place.
Meanwhile, the coworkers are all saying "gee, I wish I had naturally curly hair like you". Grr.
I must confess that I did not make it out to the Shoe Company on Sunday. Was too demoralised by being splashed by an oncoming vehicle. I did, however, make it to the LYS:

Perfect fodder for a future Tomato, don't you think?
Am almost finished JJs cardigan. If all goes well I will finish the second front piece during the website meeting today.
On Friday am out of the office for an all-day seminar on the law of residential tenancies (sigh). Will be taking this:

I'm glad you have benefitted from my sharing my housekeeping tips. Just don't tell the Ogre who filled you in. He looks big and scary.
Watched "A Shrek Christmas" last evening, on the topic of ogres. Fairly comical.
Sent off the design idea package to Interweave Knits this morning. Please wish me luck (yeah right, like they're going to publish my design in IK - although they may well publish my chickenscratch sketches for their "How Not To Submit Designs" tutorial). I must announce, however, that Santa Postie was on duty today at the local substation. SIGH. I asked for tracking AND registering and surrendered my precious package to his nicotine-stained hands.
Had best sign off and get some work done. I'm on intake today, which means I just sit here doing work and hoping that the telephone doesn't ring with some wonky social assistance overpayment recalculation question, the answer to which I should know off the top of my head, but of course don't. The colleague I go whimpering and whinging to when this happens is on vacation this week. How very inconvenient of him to take vacation. I should write a strong letter to the all-staff Email list, really.
Cheers and stay warm (the sun is shining up here this morning. That's something, I guess, but it's still %&#*@$(@#*$&(@# snowing. And tonight is Laundry Night in Canada...).
Monday, December 3, 2007
Well, Michigan is Practically in Canada...
No joke friends to the North!!! Threadbear Fiber Arts is selling your Mission Falls 1824 Cotton for $2 a skein! The wool for $3. I stocked up! They ship, call them.

Look, I wear my hair so my hoser hat can't escape! It gets caught in the elf/Florence Henderson curls. Very rockin'!

She's saying Cheers!

Or Hell Hath No Fury like a woman kept from her LYS due to a stupid ass snow storm!
Good luck on your charting nightmare. I was supposed to make a chart for that orange hat. You know, to say "shoot on sight." Well, let's just say, it's a plain boring orange hat. I never even pulled the graph paper out. That may be because the graph paper was in the recycled robot ass bag, and it smelled too toxic to go near. But when I see the hat, I will want to shoot the wearer on sight.
I admire your house cleaning skills and think that more people should take up your methods.

Look, I wear my hair so my hoser hat can't escape! It gets caught in the elf/Florence Henderson curls. Very rockin'!

She's saying Cheers!

Or Hell Hath No Fury like a woman kept from her LYS due to a stupid ass snow storm!
Good luck on your charting nightmare. I was supposed to make a chart for that orange hat. You know, to say "shoot on sight." Well, let's just say, it's a plain boring orange hat. I never even pulled the graph paper out. That may be because the graph paper was in the recycled robot ass bag, and it smelled too toxic to go near. But when I see the hat, I will want to shoot the wearer on sight.
I admire your house cleaning skills and think that more people should take up your methods.
LYS crawls,
mission falls,
snow is evil,
Sunday, December 2, 2007
c-c-c-c-c-c-cold comforts!!!!
Thanks for the inspiration to head out and buy boots, Holly. Having just read your blog post about big yarn bargains (and are you sure you aren't Canadian, by the way? Zombie prom while drinking beer? Take off, eh?), I think that I will have to brave the cold and get out to the bus stop - with my shabby old winter boots.
Your new yarn rocks as well. I'm so jealous that you can find Mission Falls (Canadian, by the way!) for $2-3. Here it costs $6.00. I made both of my Tomatoes with Mission Falls!!! If there is such a wonderful bargain wizard yarn tenant in Toronto, I haven't found it - and, believe you me, I have tried.
Do send me that membership card - you never know when I will cash it in! On Friday I go to pick up my passport... look out, America!!!
My other news: I have a king size headache from trying to graph a lace pattern which I am submitting to Interweave Knits (who made the mistake of saying they like getting stuff from new designers) tomorrow. This without a knitting design program and with shameful drawing skills to boot. I have the blood of approximately 10 trees on my hands at present, due to the fact that it seems I don't believe in doing things in pencil either (and, as such, don't have one anywhere to be found). You probably heard me swearing from all the way down there.
This has, of course, cut into my quality housecleaning time.
So, I'll just have to spend the afternoon boozing..., of course I meant "knitting", instead. My housewifely duties (if you don't count working on the cardigan for JJ) today will consist of making a big-@$$ pork roast that I bought at Loblaws for some reason. The equivalent of eight pork chops for two people. What was I thinking?! I also have some (real, the kind I get paid for) work to do. Yawn.
Best head out to the Shoe Company before I exhaust myself thinking about it all.
Your new yarn rocks as well. I'm so jealous that you can find Mission Falls (Canadian, by the way!) for $2-3. Here it costs $6.00. I made both of my Tomatoes with Mission Falls!!! If there is such a wonderful bargain wizard yarn tenant in Toronto, I haven't found it - and, believe you me, I have tried.
Do send me that membership card - you never know when I will cash it in! On Friday I go to pick up my passport... look out, America!!!
My other news: I have a king size headache from trying to graph a lace pattern which I am submitting to Interweave Knits (who made the mistake of saying they like getting stuff from new designers) tomorrow. This without a knitting design program and with shameful drawing skills to boot. I have the blood of approximately 10 trees on my hands at present, due to the fact that it seems I don't believe in doing things in pencil either (and, as such, don't have one anywhere to be found). You probably heard me swearing from all the way down there.
This has, of course, cut into my quality housecleaning time.

Best head out to the Shoe Company before I exhaust myself thinking about it all.
Did I hear $30 Boots?
You must go buy boots!
I have a Zombie Prom Date Member Card for you I must mail. Because you have the boots, you have the sassy, but you do need another pair of boots...everyone who lives in snowy clims need 1 million pairs of boots!!!
Love the new yarn!!!
I have a Zombie Prom Date Member Card for you I must mail. Because you have the boots, you have the sassy, but you do need another pair of boots...everyone who lives in snowy clims need 1 million pairs of boots!!!
Love the new yarn!!!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
shameless yarn-coveting hussy!
Dear Holly:
Well, I hope this weekend is treating you well and that you are not snowed under down there. The weather has settled up here finally although it is $#*($&*@#($&*(@#$&*@$# cold. What are you, Ogre, Pigs, etc. up to these days?
Me - a quiet weekend at home rolling around in my stash - JJ is at work, poor sod. But don't feel too sorry for him. He works at a Canadian Forces base which is a large training facility. As such, the weekend work comes with unlimited quantities of top-notch food catered in for trainings, banquets, etc - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Paid for by yours truly, Canadian Taxpayer - my tax dollars at work!!!
(If I have remembered not to gloat too much at him at 5:00 a.m. when he is stumbling around trying to leave the house and swearing and trying to find his bloody necktie, he sometimes brings some home for me as well. So, I can't really complain.)
So - his job on the weekends essentially consists of:
- playing spider solitaire
- doing the weekend cryptic in the Globe and Mail
- watching videos
- eating free delicious food
For this, he gets paid $17.85/hour. Not too shabby.
For my part, I am avoiding housework, trying to make more headway on JJs cardigan and admiring my new yarn acquisitions, not necessarily in that order. Here's just one of them:

I had intended to get up early and drive JJ to work so that I could head out to the Shoe Company later - a coworker acquired a very funky pair of pink and black boots there the other day for $30 and said that they have deep discounts on all of last year's boots. However, last evening's sojourn with the Tenant Advocates took its toll, and I couldn't get out of bed. I could take the bus up to the Shoe Company, but I'm not yet into dealing with the extreme cold. (I think I'm still also mourning the end of Garage Sale/Yarn Sale Season, to be honest.) I do need to get my @$$ off the couch and get to the dollar store to see if I can find some styrofoam or light plastic fruit for another Carmen Miranda headdress as I am going to a Christmas party next Saturday where I have to do a party piece, and want to play Carmen with a headdress I can actually wear for more than 2 minutes. I also need to hit the Turkish store for some provisions (Greek food at half the price! Go figure!!!). But I think this will all have to wait until tomorrow - I just have to keep telling myself that if I drive JJ to work I can make a stop at Tim Hortons on the way back....
Let me know your news!
Well, I hope this weekend is treating you well and that you are not snowed under down there. The weather has settled up here finally although it is $#*($&*@#($&*(@#$&*@$# cold. What are you, Ogre, Pigs, etc. up to these days?
Me - a quiet weekend at home rolling around in my stash - JJ is at work, poor sod. But don't feel too sorry for him. He works at a Canadian Forces base which is a large training facility. As such, the weekend work comes with unlimited quantities of top-notch food catered in for trainings, banquets, etc - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Paid for by yours truly, Canadian Taxpayer - my tax dollars at work!!!
(If I have remembered not to gloat too much at him at 5:00 a.m. when he is stumbling around trying to leave the house and swearing and trying to find his bloody necktie, he sometimes brings some home for me as well. So, I can't really complain.)
So - his job on the weekends essentially consists of:
- playing spider solitaire
- doing the weekend cryptic in the Globe and Mail
- watching videos
- eating free delicious food
For this, he gets paid $17.85/hour. Not too shabby.
For my part, I am avoiding housework, trying to make more headway on JJs cardigan and admiring my new yarn acquisitions, not necessarily in that order. Here's just one of them:

I had intended to get up early and drive JJ to work so that I could head out to the Shoe Company later - a coworker acquired a very funky pair of pink and black boots there the other day for $30 and said that they have deep discounts on all of last year's boots. However, last evening's sojourn with the Tenant Advocates took its toll, and I couldn't get out of bed. I could take the bus up to the Shoe Company, but I'm not yet into dealing with the extreme cold. (I think I'm still also mourning the end of Garage Sale/Yarn Sale Season, to be honest.) I do need to get my @$$ off the couch and get to the dollar store to see if I can find some styrofoam or light plastic fruit for another Carmen Miranda headdress as I am going to a Christmas party next Saturday where I have to do a party piece, and want to play Carmen with a headdress I can actually wear for more than 2 minutes. I also need to hit the Turkish store for some provisions (Greek food at half the price! Go figure!!!). But I think this will all have to wait until tomorrow - I just have to keep telling myself that if I drive JJ to work I can make a stop at Tim Hortons on the way back....
Let me know your news!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
cold frontiers...
Hey Holly:
Sorry to hear about your hat. If I see it blowing around, I will grab it for you. However, with the gustiness here today, it's likely that it has headed up toward the North Pole by now. Here, as evidence, is a picture of my hair today...

... well, not today. Today, actually, it looks far worse than this. The sun has just come out, which is something. But my photo above reflects my general mood with this weather.
You asked about custard filled Timbits. I haven't seen those for years!!! I miss them. I, like you, suspect that they are being hoarded and don't make it to the counter. I had a Boston Cream this morning though... a good second alternative. I shall have to ask about the custard timbits tomorrow - you do the same next time you go. We'll get to the bottom of this, I assure you.
I hate to say it, but I think Durango Malt coolers have gone by the wayside as well. There are so many alcopops out right now, the malt stuff seems no longer popular. I'll be checking out some beer tonight at our Tenant Advocates gathering - Duty Counsel branch. Will raise a glass to you and your dearly departed hat!
You hussy, you - making a cross border trek at the tender age of 15?!? At 15, I don't remember what I was doing... probably chained to the stove making dinner for my little brother because my parents were at work. I did scoot down with some friends to Watertown NY a few times when I was 17 and 18 years old. Amazing how cheap the booze was down there, and how easy to buy when underage!!!
I take it you're worked on the Canajan accent since then?
Not too much new on this front. Work travels apace on the cardigan for JJ... and it's almost the weekend. Yippee!!!!
Take it easy,
Sorry to hear about your hat. If I see it blowing around, I will grab it for you. However, with the gustiness here today, it's likely that it has headed up toward the North Pole by now. Here, as evidence, is a picture of my hair today...

... well, not today. Today, actually, it looks far worse than this. The sun has just come out, which is something. But my photo above reflects my general mood with this weather.
You asked about custard filled Timbits. I haven't seen those for years!!! I miss them. I, like you, suspect that they are being hoarded and don't make it to the counter. I had a Boston Cream this morning though... a good second alternative. I shall have to ask about the custard timbits tomorrow - you do the same next time you go. We'll get to the bottom of this, I assure you.

You hussy, you - making a cross border trek at the tender age of 15?!? At 15, I don't remember what I was doing... probably chained to the stove making dinner for my little brother because my parents were at work. I did scoot down with some friends to Watertown NY a few times when I was 17 and 18 years old. Amazing how cheap the booze was down there, and how easy to buy when underage!!!
I take it you're worked on the Canajan accent since then?
Not too much new on this front. Work travels apace on the cardigan for JJ... and it's almost the weekend. Yippee!!!!
Take it easy,
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