Sunday, December 16, 2007

you madwoman you!

Dear Holly: that is madness indeed! Wish you weren't snowed in, otherwise you could come up here and rearrange my furniture. I would provide cocktails and hoser hats, of course.

I am as well snowed in... mainly because I'm not willing to trudge through 6 inches of snow. JJ has the car. This is all good, though, because I finished my Tilted Duster!!

Of course, I had said to myself this morning: "No knitting until you finish that last bit of office work and do all the laundry". Well, guess what? The knitting is finished and posted, and the laundry just got taken downstairs. As for the office work - I think I'll be burning the midnight oil. Sigh.

Just hoping this will clear up by tomorrow as we are meant to fly out at 9:00 a.m.! Gasp! Wish me luck! They are not as yet predicting that flights will be cancelled... will be posting one last blog post tomorrow AM before I go with fancy umbrellas and stuff so do drop on by... I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to post very much while gone - so if we don't talk, have a fabulous Christmas, hope that Santa is very generous and see you next year!



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