Tuesday, December 11, 2007

You are Fancy, but Are you Awesome? Awwh, Yeah!

You are super fancy. But are you super silly? Yeah, you would have fit right in with super silly. We hung out in a 140 year old house that was heated only by space heaters, mexican food, and craftiness. I was also warmed by my own bad fashion.

Oh, I also stayed warm by knitting the base for a Carmen Miranda scarf. I have no photographic evidence because my friends have deemed my camera evil and limited my use of it.

How can I take revenge?

I know! I'll stuff them in the coal stove!

Good times.

Spinning dog into gold.

Did I mention the bootlegged soda from Mexico, the chocolate from Europe, the coffee from Guatemala and the yarn from well, all over? All we needed was a knitter/mosaicer from Canada. Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Chilly, but sweet. Sweet as in rad. Like radical, like, awesome. Yeah, it was awesome.

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