Tuesday, December 11, 2007

humbuggery and pretty things

Hey Holly: hope all is well on your side of the border. My week is going passably, aside from the mountain of work I must plough through before going on vacation next week (which is why, of course, I'm on here blogging for the first time in days).

The weather is dragging me down. Today, grey grey grey and freezing rain.

So - I'm wearing this with a t-shirt underneath, just so's I can freeze while waiting at the bus stop!!!

Remember this>

Well, I finally had to face up to the fact that short squat greeks were not intended to wear 80" long scarves - the scarf just looked like an ornate whiplash brace on me. So, it has now morphed into this:

Not bad, eh?

The mystery of the custard-filled timbits is as yet unsolved. I stopped at the one handy to work this morning and they had no clue what I was talking about. SIGH.

So, I had to console myself by stroking this:

A Moebius capelet, made with Fleece Artist Grande Godiva. Unfortunately, I look ridiculous as well - so it will be going to my mother with her Christmas package.

Is the Zombie Roadshow ever going to cross the border? I'd settle for meeting up in Windsor at some point, although I really do think you should come to Toronto for a LYS crawl. Start saving your pennies!



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