Sunday, January 13, 2008

cleanliness is next to zombielessness

Holly: thanks so much for your zombie fighting tips for Canadians on Knit with Snot. You are a truly inclusive North American person!

For my part, I decided that if I cleaned the apartment, I'd minimise the possible hiding places for zombies. Check out what I got done yesterday!

My living room went from this: this!
Just call me Martha. (er... then again, maybe not!)

And then there was the spare room, which looked as though a filing cabinet and several hardware stores had exploded:
You can actually see the floor now!
In addition to finding a whole bunch of yarn treasures long forgotten, I came across this talismanic Scottish traditional headpiece:

I strongly suspect that, were JJ to wear this "See ya Jimmy" tam, it would carry serious zombie-fighting properties. He disagrees, but he'll come around in time, no doubt.

I did not, however, manage to come across any of this while cleaning:

Which is too bad, because after all that hard work I could really have used a break:
When I discovered my sad lack of beer in the house, I had just come in from the corner store to replenish my Diet Coke supply. It was too cold out to venture to the LCBO without the car. I called JJ at work to see if he would stop in for me, but the ingrate (11 hours into a 12 hour work shift) had left early. How dare he?!?

Anyway, on the topic of beer: re Labatt, I do imagine you were brainwashed. I take it you never saw the "I ... am... CANADIAN" ad campaign for Molson. Given your wannabe tendencies, this probably would shift you over to Molson Canadian (if it's available - the only Molson beer I ever saw in the US was Golden, in the green bottle - which no one drinks here).

I wish I could try out some of your microbrews. Those are almost always the best. I had a great one when at the Michigan Womyn's Festival some years back that some women had brought from upstate New York - a black and tan beer. If you can get your hands on some, try it out. There is a version brewed here, but it sucks.

Anyway, another reason for you to get your @$$ up here - lots of microbrews!!! And good "big brewery" beer too... for some reason I have yet to try this one:

...but am looking forward to it (a free can came with the last twofer of Keith's IPA that I bought. J. "Ingrate Supreme" J. snagged it while I was at work one day. He must have run out of Grouse.

As for Alaska: I have no idea why the US bought it. And I appreciate your kind sentiments about giving it to me... but really, I don't know what I would do with it. It's difficult enough trying to keep one 1000 sq ft apartment tidy!

Not to mention keeping up with the knitting:

This is my progress on the Nina Shawl. I'm getting seriously bored with this and hate the colours I picked - but it's too far gone to rip now.

And, I can't really rest on my laurels when there are still bedrooms to clean:

So, I'll sign off now. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and don't drink too much of the brew, eh?

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