Sorry to hear about your hat. If I see it blowing around, I will grab it for you. However, with the gustiness here today, it's likely that it has headed up toward the North Pole by now. Here, as evidence, is a picture of my hair today...

... well, not today. Today, actually, it looks far worse than this. The sun has just come out, which is something. But my photo above reflects my general mood with this weather.
You asked about custard filled Timbits. I haven't seen those for years!!! I miss them. I, like you, suspect that they are being hoarded and don't make it to the counter. I had a Boston Cream this morning though... a good second alternative. I shall have to ask about the custard timbits tomorrow - you do the same next time you go. We'll get to the bottom of this, I assure you.

You hussy, you - making a cross border trek at the tender age of 15?!? At 15, I don't remember what I was doing... probably chained to the stove making dinner for my little brother because my parents were at work. I did scoot down with some friends to Watertown NY a few times when I was 17 and 18 years old. Amazing how cheap the booze was down there, and how easy to buy when underage!!!
I take it you're worked on the Canajan accent since then?
Not too much new on this front. Work travels apace on the cardigan for JJ... and it's almost the weekend. Yippee!!!!
Take it easy,