Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Smoked Turkey day

Holly: an excellent call on the smoked turkey - better than real turkey any time! (I only like the leftovers from the turkey myself.

But - carnage is not the only thing that Thanksgiving is about. I send to you some virtual "produce" from Canada's favourite "field":



Beverage to Wash it Down - doubledoubles!!

Then there's dessert, of course...

What is up with "dry Thanksgiving" anyway? Isn't it written in your constitution somewhere: We hold these truths to be self evident... that relatives/inlaws + holiday stress = booze???

So, take the wine and Hellmans. Quite right. If there's any beef you let me know and I will write a very, very strong letter indeed!

Happy holiday!



Holly Bee said...

Yer killing me with the Horton's Porn!

Kristina B said...

I had a Canadian Maple AND a Boston Creme this morning while sitting in the Passport Office (given that I am meant to be leaving the country on 16 December I figured it was time to start putting this off). They made the wait more palatable...

your comment makes me think of another nickname for our beloved Timmy's which is commonly used: Horny Tims.