Hope the day is treating you well, and trust that you have not been eaten by a zombie or any such foolish thing.
My day is going swimmingly thus far. First order of the day was to clean the bedroom:

Instead, I blogged ... then blogged some more... then worked on my subversive pinko art piece.
Then, of course, it was time to go shopping (the Payday holiday has been a three day spending extravaganza, even by my standards)!
First, the daily stop at the health food provisioners to pick up some energy bars and other healthy items:

What's it for? I'll give you a hint... not socks. Stay tuned...
Then, after a boring stop at Shoppers, I hit the Goodwill. Here's what I scored there:

And, even better...

And, lest you think I'm completely selfish, I feel I was quite fair in purchasing for JJ. He gets dinner tonight:

... and tomorrow's brekkie for him to take to work:

And here's my brekkie for tomorrow:

By the time I staggered back to my place, I had decided to take a detour to the back of the building just to doublecheck the Treasures from Trash situation. And, lo and behold:

I couldn't manage to get the booty upstairs what with all the other bags of goodies, so I ran up, left the bags, and rushed back down as quickly as possible.
During that minute-long interval, however, the door leading out to the back ended up locked. Foiled again by Mario, the superintendent!!!!

And... I found my lucky lighter on the balcony!

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